HomeContinental Summer Cooler

Summer Cooler

Posted in : Continental, Health Drink, Sides on by : food lover


  • Fennel seeds —2 tablespoon
  • Mint leaves —-2 to 3
  • Peeled and chopped raw mango ——–1/2 cup
  • Sugar or honey ——-3 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice —1/4 teaspoon
  • Soda water
  • Crushed ice ——1/2 bowl
  • Vanilla ice cream —-1 scoop
  • Grated raw mango for garnishing —-1/4 teaspoon

Serve —1
Time —-10 min


  • Soak fennel seeds in water for 3 min. Place fennel seeds and other ingredients in a blender.
  • Blend it till smooth paste. Add small amount of water and strain this mixture.
  • Add crushed ice in a serving glass then add above mixture.
  • Add soda water.  Add ice cream . Garnish with grated raw mango and serve.

For any questions or help  please send us an email at lovefoodrasoi@gmail.com