Schezwan Dim Sum

Posted in : Appetizers, Chinese on by : food lover


  • Grated carrot : 1 cup
  • Finely chopped capsicum : 3 tablespoon
  • Chopped garlic: 2 teaspoon
  • Chopped onion: 2 teaspoon
  • Schezwan sauce: 1 & 1/2 teaspoon
  • Crumbled paneer ( cottage cheese): 2 teaspoon
  • Refine flour: 1 teaspoon (maida)
  • Salt to taste

For outer layer:

  • Refine flour; 1 cup
  • Oil: 1 & 1/2 teaspoon
  • Salt
  • Water as per requirement
  • Oil

Serves: 6 pieces

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Steaming time: 20 minutes


  • Mix oil, salt in flour well. Add water and make soft dough then keep aside.
  • Heat oil and add garlic, ginger and onion. Sauté all till golden brown, add 1 teaspoon refine flour.
  • Cook for few minutes and then add all vegetables and sauces.
  • Stir properly and add cottage cheese. Remove from heat and let it cool.
  • Divide dough in 6 to 7 ball and flatten them into round shape.
  • Keep stuffing on it and fold them into dim sum shape.
  • Grease steaming plate with oil and arrange all dim sums. Steam the dim sums for 20 minutes  until they become transparent.
  • Serve with schezwan sauce.

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