Hot Potato Bites

Posted in : Appetizers, Continental, Quick Bite, Sides on by : food lover

Ingredients: (Cooking Time: 15 minutes, Serves 4 – 5)

  • Para boiled potatoes—2 big size
  • Red chili paste–2 1/2 tea spoon
  • Green chutney–3 tablespoon
  • Schezwan sauce–2 teaspoon or chili garlic paste
  • Pepper powder–1/2 teaspoon
  • Grated cheese—-1/2 cup
  • Tomato ketchup—-2 teaspoon
  • Boiled corn–2 tea spoon
  • Chopped capsicum— 1 teaspoon
  • Black olive–2 tea spoon


  • Cut potatoes in thick round slices and deep fry or shallow fry and leave it on paper napkin for 2 min.
  • Mix red chili sauce, schezwan sauce and pepper powder. Apply chutney on potato slices.
  • Then apply sauces mixture and put capsicum and boiled corn and cover with grated cheese.
  • Bake for 5 min in 200 degree preheated oven till cheese melt. Garnish with olive rings and drop of tomato ketchup.

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