Fusion Tidbits

Posted in : Appetizers, Continental, Fancy, Quick Bite on by : foodrasoi Tags: , , , , ,

Ingredients for Topping:

  • Boiled noodles : 1/4 cup
  • Finely chopped cabbage : 3 tablespoons
  • Finely chopped capsicum : 2 tablespoons
  • Finely chopped carrot : 2 tablespoons
  • Chopped spring onion :  3 tablespoons
  • Chopped garlic : 2  & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Chopped onion : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Chopped ginger :  2 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Chopped coriander leaves : 2 tablespoons
  • Finely chopped red capsicum : 2 teaspoons
  • Vinegar : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Garlic paste : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Tomato puree : 1/4 cup
  • Soy sauce : 1 teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato ketchup : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Sesame oil : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Roughly crushed roasted pea nut : 1 & 1/2 teaspoons
  • Chopped parsley
Ingredients for Base :
  • Bajra (Pearl Millet) flour : 1 & 1/2 cups
  • Salt
  • Wheat flour : 1 teaspoon
  • Water for dough
Serves : 10 to 12 depending on individual base size
Preparation time : 15 minutes
Cooking time : 10 minutes
For Base:
  • Prepare dough by adding bajra(pearl millet) flour, warm water in a large flat dish and use your hands to bring it together.
  • Once the dough is ready set aside and let it rest.
For Topping:
  • Take a cooking pan, add oil to it and heat it on low flame.
  • Add chopped garlic to the pan . Sauté until to turns to golden brown in color.
  • Add ginger, onion to the pan and sauté for two to three minutes.
  • Add garlic paste, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, spring onion and red capsicum and cook for few seconds on high flame.
  • Vegetables should be well done.
  • Add tomato puree, noodles, salt, ketchup, soy sauce and  vinegar to the pan.
  • Mix properly, cook for few seconds and remove from heat.
  • Add coriander leaves and peanuts to the mixture.
  • Make small fulka (roti) using rolling pin from the dough, similar to circular discs.
  • Roast the fulkas on a pan by applying little oil on the sides.
  • Take the fulkas and use the topping to garnish it.
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