HomeContinental Sweets Mango Rasmalai

Mango Rasmalai

Posted in : Sweets on by : foodrasoi

  • 6 pcs bread slice
  • 1 ltr milk
  • 1/2 cup condensed milk
  • 1/4 cup mango pulp
  • 3 tea spoon milk powder
  • 1 tea spoon sugar
  • 1 tea spoon milk
  • Finely chopped almonds & pistachio
Basundi (Liquid Base):
  • Put milk in pan to boil. after one boil add condensed milk and stir.boil till milk color changes and the milk quantity becomes half.remove from heat. Let it cool.
Rasmalai (Stuffing):
  • Take mango pulp, sugar, milk powder, milk and mix every thing properly.
  • Cut the bread slices  into round shape and soak them in milk.
  • Take out immediately and press lightly to squeeze out milk.
  • Place it in a plate and spread the stuffing evenly on the slice.
  • Cover it with another slice.
  • Prepare all the slices this way.pour basundi on the rasmalai.
  • Garnish  with almonds, pistachios and saffron.
For any questions or help  please send us an email at lovefoodrasoi@gmail.com